Alyssa's Growth Chart

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baby Room!

We had a lot of fun this weekend picking out decor for our baby girl's room. Michael's mom found a great deal on a bedding set that is gorgeous. It is light pink and dark brown. See the picture above for the full set. I just got the picture online, it is not a real picture of our room. We didn't get everything in the set, but we got a lot of it. Once the room is done I will post a picture of what it really looks like. My dad is going to paint a mural on one of the walls, so I think that will be really special. Thanks dad!

We also had fun registering over the weekend. It was really fun, but it was also a really long day. We were exhausted by the end of it. We are getting so excited. I cannot believe I am already half way there! We recently had our 20 week doctor's appointment and everything looked good, so that is a blessing.

Now I just have to make it through report cards...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby Girl Lomax

Here are our most recent ultrasound pictures! We are so thrilled to find out that we are having a baby girl. The ultrasound technician said that everything looked great. She remarked that the baby has very cute feet. The ultrasound tech also told us that it looks like she has really long toes. I have a feeling she is going to be tall like her daddy! I'm afraid she won't have my super cute sausage toes. :) We are very excited and we feel so lucky that everything went well and everything looks normal. We love our baby girl!

Monday, February 8, 2010

18 Weeks!

The half way point is coming up soon. We are so excited. Monday, February 15th is our next doctor's appointment where we should be able to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. We can't wait! Here is my 18 week picture. It pretty much looks the same, but I think I have grown a little. It is a little bit freaky at first when you gain a pound in one week. I am getting used to it, but it is still strange! We are taking a picture each week, in the same clothes, standing in the same spot. Check back next week to find out if it is a boy or a girl. :)