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Monday, April 27, 2009

The Joy of Gardening

Sorry about the cheesy title of this post, but I think it is funny that "The Joy of Gardening" is an actual brand. Couldn't they have come up with something shorter? Any who, I decided to take up gardening this year. I have no real experience with it except for remembering my mom's gardens from when I was younger. I am really excited so naturally the first thing that I did was go out and buy matching purple gardening gloves and clogs!
This is the view of the front of the garden. I have planted about half of the veggies so far. I have to wait a little longer until the danger of frost has passed. (I actually sound like I know what I am talking about don't I? Weird.)
When I first decided that I wanted to do a garden, Michael was excited too. On one of his days off he tilled and fenced the entire thing! He even made me this hand crafted sign. :) He is such a great husband.

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