Alyssa's Growth Chart

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tutu cute!

We had a great first Christmas with Alyssa! She is growing so big and the changes she is making are incredible. In the last week she has become a pro at sitting up on her own. She loves to play with toys and hang out. She is an independent girl! She got this adorable tutu from her Nani this Christmas so we snapped a few shots!


Ok, could this pouty face be any cuter? I think not.

Happy girl

Cracking up in her bunny hat

A hoppy girl :)

Just playin'

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Alyssa's First Time Meeting Santa

Michael's parents (Nani and Pops) invited us to a children's Christmas party at their golf club. Alyssa got to meet santa! She is always such a happy baby and she seemed totally content hanging out on santa's lap. Of course she couldnt participate in the older kid activities, like the cupcake walk, but we got to have lunch and it was very fun! Here are her photos from the day:
Happy Girl with Santa
Hanging out with Mom (And yes, her arms are that big) :) She's a healthy girl!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I have a few random pictures from the month of November to share! Our sweet baby girl is growing up SO fast. It seems like every week we think we know what to expect, and then she does something new and different. It has been so much fun to watch her grow and learn. Lately she is really smiling and laughing a lot, kicking her legs around like crazy, grabbing at things, and putting things in her mouth and biting down on them....hard! We love you litttle goose!
Sassy pants!


4 generations of women on Thanksgiving (one of them is clearly tuckered out!)

Alyssa with her great grandma

Picking out our christmas tree at the tree farm. We got a great one this year!

Family picture

Saturday, November 13, 2010

4 Months Old!

Our growing girl just had her 4 month appointment last week. She weighs in at 17 lbs 15 ounces and is 26 and a half inches long. She is getting quite hilarious in her old age. She has certainly found her voice in the past few weeks and loves to use it. She "talks" all the time. She also loves to laugh and smile. It has been really fun to try eating rice cereal. It took a little getting used to, but last night she ate almost a whole bowl! She seems to like it, but it takes awhile because she is constantly trying to grab the spoon from me! We love you angel!

Serious about rice cereal

A cute picture of reading with Pops

Monday, November 1, 2010

Alyssa's First Halloween

We took Alyssa over to Uncle Clay and Aunt Jacqueline's house for Halloween. Auntie Jac and I took her around to about 5 houses for her first trick or treating experience. She was a trooper because she was tired by the time it got dark enough to go trick or treating. Here are a few pictures of our Halloween experience! :)

A cranky bug before going out trick or treating.

Alyssa with her "haul" of candy.

A Halloween family photo. I think it is funny that she looks alomst as tall as me in this picture. I swear I am not that short!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

3 months old!

Alyssa has been all smiles lately! She usually smiles so big that she closes her eyes. Lately she has been really close to laughing. She contiues to be a wonderful baby. We are having fun watching her personality grow. She is still sleeping great and eating even better!

Giant Smile

Playing with Daddy

Lounging around and watching TV

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Early Halloween!

As you can see Alyssa is growing fast! :) I bought this adorable Halloween costume for her last year on clearance, but now we are not sure if it is going to fit by the time Halloween rolls around. It fits her pretty perfectly now! We thought we would take a picture now, just in case it doesn't fit later. She is such a happy baby. She smiles all of the time and I think she is on the verge of laughing! We love our little bug!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Growing Girl!

Our little girl is growing so fast! We cannot believe how different she is from when she was first born. Even this last week she has started smiling A LOT and really recognizing her surroundings. At her two month appointment she was 24 1/2 inches long and a whopping 14 1/2 pounds. She is a wonderful baby and we feel so blessed!

Friday, September 10, 2010


These were taken on August 17th, when Alyssa was 5 and a half weeks old. She has already grown a lot since then. Enjoy! :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

4 Weeks Old Already!

I can't believe our baby is already 4 weeks old! These weeks have flown by and she is growing like crazy. Here are a few pics from this week.

Bath Time! Alyssa has been enjoying her baths since we started filling up the tub with water instead of doing sponge baths.

This is just too cute. She loves to cuddle.

I think she is crying because the greens we are wearing don't match!

My 26th birthday and Goose is 4 weeks old. I love my little girl! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Growing Girl!

Alyssa is growing like a weed! At her two week check up she weighed 8 pounds 10 ounces and she was 21 and 3/4 inches long! That means that she grew an inch and a half in just two weeks. We have been having a great time and we feel so blessed to have a healthy happy girl. She is very funny and we can already tell she is going to have a spunky personality. We have been lovingly calling her "goose" because she is a silly goose!

Here she got some spit up on daddy's face! Silly GOOSE!

Dad and Alyssa hanging out. She loves to face forward in the front pouch!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alyssa's First Video!

Here is a video of Alyssa's first few days. She has been such a wonderful baby so far. We keep thinking, "How did we get this lucky?" and we are wondering when she is going to get harder to raise. So far it has been a joy! We love her so much and she really has made our dreams come true. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

2 days old!

Here we are hanging out at home! We were really excited to come home from the hospital. Luckily we only had to stay for one day. Alyssa is doing great so far. We just had her 48 hour check up and she is doing really well. We are such proud parents! We promise to post more pictures and some video eventually, but this is all we've got right now!

Alyssa Kay Lomax

Alyssa was born on July 9th, 2010 at 3:39 pm. She weighed 8 pounds and was 20 1/4 inches long. She is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

39 Weeks!

Wow! I cannot believe that my due date is only 1 week away! We are just waiting and anticipating the arrival of our baby girl. I am feeling very large and very ready to be done being pregnant! If Alyssa does not decide to come on her own, then I am scheduled to be induced at 11:45 pm on Thursday, July 8th. That is only a few days away and I am really excited. We can't wait to meet you Alyssa!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Alyssa's Room

Alyssa's room is finally finished and we are so excited. My due date is only 3 weeks away so we are just in time. :) It turned out perfect and we are very proud of it. A special thank you to my parents and Michael's parents who helped out a lot with the room.

As you can see, the colors are pink and brown. We love our changing table and our awesome glider!

You'll notice that next to the rocker, Alyssa has her own little chair! That chair is from my great grandma. :)

The crib. You can barely see the branches of the tree hanging over the crib.

This is the tree that my dad, Alyssa's Grandpa Myers, painted for her. She will love it! Thank you dad, I love you so much and I feel so lucky to have a dad like you.

Another picture of the tree.

A close up of the cherry blossoms. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!