Alyssa's Growth Chart

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wedding Photos!

I finally got my act together and looked through all 1100 wedding photos! I narrowed it down and our photographer, Doug Huegli, made us a gorgeous book. Here are some of my favorite pages:


Ok so our puppy has a problem. She will literally eat ANYTHING. And I mean ANYTHING! She's like a goat. The other day we gave her an entire bowl of salad and she devoured it. She has even eaten Michael's glasses. Seriously, she didn't even leave any bits of glass at all, she just ate it. No big deal. Oh, weird, there are some glasses, I might as well EAT them.

So over the weekend Michael worked outside a lot and picked up all of the garbage that Lexie has littered all over our property. We don't have garbage pickup because there is a dump nearby so we just store it up in some large garbage cans that are locked inside a fence. Michael spent a long time fixing all of the holes in the fence and cleaning everything up nicely. Last night I get the phone call. Lexie, somehow got into the garbage again and has strewn it throughout the yard. Let's just say that Michael was ticked. We love the dog, but sometimes we are not sure it is worth all the work. So if you are in the market for a puppy/goat, let us know. :)

Friday, January 2, 2009


Ok, many of you know this already, but we are going to be on TV. Crazy huh? January 10th at 9:30 pm Michael and I will make our movie star debut on the show My First Home on TLC. Check it out if you get a chance. We are pretty nervous because they came to film us for 6 days straight and we are just sure they are going to put all of the embarrassing things that we said on the show! Watch out Hollywood, here we come!!!!! :) HAHA!

Here is the blurb about our show copied from the TLC website:

My First Home
Washougal, Washington
A couple in Washougal, Washington has to deal with planning their wedding and buying their first home simultaneously. But when they get out-bid on the home of their dreams, will they be able to find a house that they can start their new life in?


After we moved into our new house we decided that our dog U-joint needed a friend. The day we got Lexie (our new puppy) started out as any other day. It was a Saturday and we were just lounging around our house and relaxing. We had some errands to run so Michael suggested that we just go "look" at the humane society for a new dog. I said, "Ok, but we are just looking for fun right?" Lo and behold, two hours later we had picked out our new puppy and were taking her home. On the drive home Michael and I both admitted to each other that we had both really wanted a dog and knew that we would get one even though we kept saying we were just "looking." :) She is an adorable pit bull mix. Her and U-joint really like each other and play all the time. Here are a few pictures of Lexie:

We got hitched

On July 26, 2008 Michael and I were married at St. Joseph Catholic Parish in Vancouver, Washington. It was a beautiful and perfect day. Thank you to all who came to share in our wonderful day with us. We feel lucky to have such supportive and loving families and friends.