Alyssa's Growth Chart

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tutu cute!

We had a great first Christmas with Alyssa! She is growing so big and the changes she is making are incredible. In the last week she has become a pro at sitting up on her own. She loves to play with toys and hang out. She is an independent girl! She got this adorable tutu from her Nani this Christmas so we snapped a few shots!


Ok, could this pouty face be any cuter? I think not.

Happy girl

Cracking up in her bunny hat

A hoppy girl :)

Just playin'

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Alyssa's First Time Meeting Santa

Michael's parents (Nani and Pops) invited us to a children's Christmas party at their golf club. Alyssa got to meet santa! She is always such a happy baby and she seemed totally content hanging out on santa's lap. Of course she couldnt participate in the older kid activities, like the cupcake walk, but we got to have lunch and it was very fun! Here are her photos from the day:
Happy Girl with Santa
Hanging out with Mom (And yes, her arms are that big) :) She's a healthy girl!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I have a few random pictures from the month of November to share! Our sweet baby girl is growing up SO fast. It seems like every week we think we know what to expect, and then she does something new and different. It has been so much fun to watch her grow and learn. Lately she is really smiling and laughing a lot, kicking her legs around like crazy, grabbing at things, and putting things in her mouth and biting down on them....hard! We love you litttle goose!
Sassy pants!


4 generations of women on Thanksgiving (one of them is clearly tuckered out!)

Alyssa with her great grandma

Picking out our christmas tree at the tree farm. We got a great one this year!

Family picture