Alyssa's Growth Chart

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We had a great time at the pumpkin patch this year. My parents came with us and it was fun! We got to see lots of bright orange pumpkins and Alyssa got to walk through the patch. We didn't do the hay ride or the corn maze this year, she just had fun taking it all in. We ended up buying her a tiny little pumpkin that is SO cute. When we got home she kept trying to throw the pumpkin because she thought it was a ball!
With Mom
The whole family
Surrounded by PUMPKINS!
Happy girl!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Alyssa Kay

Sorry we haven't updated in awhile! Alyssa is growing like a weed. She has been having a lot of fun lately. She can take about 6 or 7 steps, but wont go much further than that. She also mimics everything that we say and is starting to say a lot of words. We call her miss congeniality because she says "hi" and "bye bye" to everyone she meets! Just today she was trying to talk to everyone in the restaurant where we were eating dinner. Little miss friendly! :)

This is what Alyssa wants for Christmas!
Our adorable little cow!

Such a cute cow. She can even say, "moo!" :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby Fever!

We wanted to share a picture of our upcoming addition to our family. Michael, Alyssa, and I are all excited to be welcoming another baby girl into our family on January 4th! We just had our ultrasound last week. This is the best picture we got. You can see her hand and she is laying on her right side facing you. She seems to be all snug and cozy in there. We are glad to hear that she is growing well and everything is looking good. We are tossing around name ideas. The front runner right now is Hailey Ann Lomax. (although the spelling might be Hailey, Hayley, or Haley...we will see!) :) We are excited to meet our little girl in January!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What a One-derful Day!

We had so much fun at Alyssa's first birthday party. It was a great day. We cannot believe that our baby is already one! Time flies. Thank you to everyone who came to the party. We love you all. Here are a few highlight pictures of the celebration:

Butterfly Cupcake tree for the butterfly party!

More butterflies

Alyssa with Grandma

With Pops, Nani, Gigi, and Gramps

Stoic in her tutu

Cutest Birthday Girl Ever!

Her mountain of gifts!

"Riding" her new bike

Her first time eating cake

As you can see, she had no problem polishing off the whole thing!

We love you little girl! Here is to many more wonderful years to come. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Amazing Bouncing Alyssa!

Alyssa is moving out of the baby stage and turning into a little girl before our eyes. She is getting so big that we can hardly believe it. We love to watch her learn new things. This is a video of her bouncing and showing off some of her latest skills (pointing, clapping, and saying, "Hi.") We love you Alyssa!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Number One Baby!

Alyssa is number one! :) She has recently begun pointing a lot and this is a good shot of it. As I mentioned in my last post, she often holds her finger in the pointing position so that she is ready for anything she may need to point at. It is so adorable. We are trying to teach her to point at us when we say, "Who is the number one mommy?" hasn't worked yet. :)
Swinging girl! This girl loves to swing. Her whole face lights up and she smiles the entire time. What a happy girl.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

9 Months!

Alyssa is already 9 months old and time feels like it is flying by. She is getting so big, so fast! :) She had her 9 month doctor check up last week and got a clean bill of health. She is in the 99.9 percentile for her height and the 99 percentile for her weight. She is a good eater. Some new things she is doing are: saying 'dada,' mimicking sounds that you make, making kissing noises, clapping, holding her hands up in the air to show that she is 'so big!' and pointing at everything in sight. It seems as if she just holds her pointer finger out all of the time just in case there may be something to point at. :) She really is getting SO BIG! Here are a few recent pictures of her.

Reading with Pops. Apparently she is not sold on the idea of golf quite yet.

Standing on the table in her tutu pajamas.

Lately she has been trying lots of new foods. She loves pancakes, spinach, chicken, cheese, pasta, cheerios, squash, beans, corn, peas, carrots...basically anything! :)

Playing with daddy. She loves to stand and hold onto things. It is only a matter of time before she is walking!